【 Mathematics and Physics / 数学とか物理 】
・What’s the difference between a tensor and a matrix?
・Derive the rotation matrix in a CUNNING WAY
・Get along with infinitesimal change and approximation
・Understand total differential and chain rule visually
・What is the material derivative?
【 Mechanical engineering / 機械工学 】
・What is Mises Stress like? -Get an overview of Mises Stress-
・Strain -Get a deeper understanding of it-
・How long should a bolt go into an internal thread?
・『ボルト ねじ込み深さ』 の、お話
・Fundamental knowledge about O-rings
【 Electrical engineering / 電気工学 】
・Why is it possible to transform trigonometric functions into complex numbers?
・What’s the difference between star connection and delta connection in motors?
・Why can a motor with a star connection keep the current value lower than a delta connection?
・What is actually reactive power? – Analyze reactive power by using only trigonometric functions
・What are a NPN sensor and a PNP sensor like?